Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello Hikers! It's that time….theme each Sunday I’ll write about an easy hike for the days when you don’t have a lot of time and still want to get out and experience nature on a Sunday Stroll. I took the picture of my dog Lucy strolling on the trails of Cobus Creek last year. Please leave a comment of places you take your dog on walks in Michiana.

There is a great place to take a Sunday stroll in Elkhart, Cobus Creek County Park. It is located in the northwest corner of Elkhart County. Once farmland, this 84 acre site contains a range of natural habitats from abandoned fields, woods and wetlands. Cobus Creek, a cold water trout stream runs through the property.

Hard packed and natural hiking trails lead visitors through the park and around the five acre pond. Come explore the natural beauty and recreational opportunities Cobus Creek has to offer. It is an easy hike with well maintained trails. Visitors can choose to walk around the pond which is about a 2 mile hike, or can take the longer route along the property for 3.5 miles. Pets are welcome as long as you keep them under control. I’ve been there maybe a dozen times, and most times did not see any other hikers. A very peaceful hike……..enjoy!

Park Hours:

January, February, November, December
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  
March, October
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
April, September
9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
May, June, July, August
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Park hours subject to change without notice.

Park Location :

Cobus Creek County Park is located at
30680 C.R. 8, 1/4 mile east of Ash Road in Elkhart, IN.

Please follow park rules of Elkhart County Parks.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day

What does this image invoke? Does it call up any memories, thoughts or feelings?  As a child I would carry around a stuffed toy of this bear – Smokey the Bear.  I remember carrying him around with my fat little fingers by his belt. I truly loved him, as he was the protector of all naive animals of the forest from careless humans. Smokey the Bear has been the spokesperson for forest fire safety since the 1950’s – making it the longest PSA campaign in US history.

The campaign helped bring attention to our responsibility to help protect parks, forests and wildlife. I was unaware of the life lessons of responsibility and conservation I was learning at the time.  As a child of the 70’s, it was natural to be outside playing and exploring all and any area I could either walk to or bike. I’ve always been fascinated by nature. I was lucky to be in both Girl Scouts and Indian Guides and able to go on several camping trips each year which nurtured my love of hiking, camping, and our beautiful natural world. I also credit Smokey’s calming voice saying “Only you can prevent forest fires”.

When I think about Smokey, I think about conservation and my responsibilities. Smokey was a trailblazer in conservation, today there are many organizations and people fighting the good fight, and we can all give our assistance to the fight. I listed a few regulations all should follow while hiking in my first post, and would like to expand on them in regard to conservation. It is important and our responsibility as guests of parks, campers, or hikers to tread lightly. By treading lightly, it should be as if you were never there, or leave it even better then you found the area. If we all do our part, and follow a few rules we can keep our parks natural and beautiful for generations.

Remember to travel responsibly on designated roads, trails, and areas. By staying on the trails single file and not walking on the edges or cutting switchbacks, it will decrease the damage, causing erosion and visual scarring. When walking on open country where there are no trails it’s best to fan out, dispersing footprints and impact or creating a new trail. Always respect the rights of others, obtain permission if crossing private property, keep the noise down, and keep your pets under control.  Do your part, by modeling appropriate behavior, leaving the area better than you found it, properly disposing of waste, and minimizing the use of fire. Please remember we are guests and there will be many to follow and we want all to experience nature and its beauty.
Image from website

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Trekking Trails of Michiana: Introduction

A blog to explore and share local hiking adventures


Take a hike! , Seriously…it’s a fun way to exercise and enjoy nature. If you are interested in finding out where people are hiking locally …tune in.   Trekking, hiking, wandering, or's great to get outside and explore. This blog will be about places to do just that, local places you may know about, and hopefully some you can discover on this blog. My hope is that others will contribute and tell about their favorite places... whether it’s a State, County or City Park, a woodsy trail, or a nature preserve. I’ll be getting my boots dirty and blogging about trekking local trails.

I’ll take you there – The plan is to spotlight a few trails each week, share location, mileage, terrain, and relevant information to help with decision making, such as, gate fees, parking, accessibility, special events, and wildlife sightings.

Getting Started

·        Use the buddy system with two or three hikers, reducing vulnerability

·        If going it alone - always tell someone of your travel plans

·        Make a realistic plan and stick to it

·        Check the weather forecast

·        Dress appropriate for weather – layers work best

·        Wear suitable shoes for the terrain   - lightweight hiking boots are best

·        Carry water and emergency supplies even on short hikes

·        Carry a compass, smart phone, or GPS unit

·        Travel responsibly – stay on trails, comply with all signs and respect barriers

·        Your pack weight should not exceed one third of your body weight

Do not leave trash – pack out what you pack in….

Most people know of one or two places to take a hike. My hope for this blog is hiking enthusiasts contribute to the conversation….leave a comment, ask a question …and if I don’t know, maybe others will, if not …I’ll find out.  So…..let’s start trekking Michiana!